This repository contains directions for regenerating the results in the publication entitled "Animorphic Ensemble Optimization: A Large-scale Island Model" by Dean Price and Majdi Radaideh.
- Install NEORL from
- Install tqdm from
Most of the results are pre-generated and placed into textfiles which are then used to generate plots. To generate these files, first make two directories in the main repository called "comp_results_p1" and "comp_results_p2". Then, run the "" script. This can be a very lengthy computation, the "nproc" variable included at the beginning of this script can be used to change how many processors are used. Next, run the "" script. Finally, the "" file should be run.
This figure can be generated by running the "" script.
This table can be generated by running the "" script.
This table can be generated by running the "" script.
This table can be generated by running the "" script.
This table can be generated by running the" after removing the "#" at the beginning of line 13.
A large set of results from all optimization routines can be generated by running the "" script.