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Spring boot and angular application to handle non performing accounts.

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Technical Stack

  • Maven
  • Java
  • Spring-boot (spring-boot-starter-data-jpa, spring-boot-starter-data-rest, spring-data-rest-webmvc, spring-boot-starter-security)
  • Angular
  • H2
  • Flyway-db ( for migration )
  • JWT
  • lombok
  • jcasbin
  • frontend-maven-plugin

How to run the application

mvn spring-boot:run

The above one will do the following things :

  • It will install Node v12.16.3 if it is not already installed.
  • It will install NPM 6.14.4 if it is not already installed.
  • npm install
  • ng build
  • compile java code
  • run the application at port 5000
  • after successful running of the mvn sprint-boot:run. Please open http://localhost:5000

Use cases

Use case 1: Given Tom login to the system, when Tom Add, Modify, Remove account number , then it will be reflected as Pending approval in USER_REQUEST table.

Login Screen

Tom logged in
Add accounts to be excluded

Add accounts

Use case 2: Given Tom login to the system , when Tom search list of account numbers , then system will display all accounts from EXCLUSION_ACCOUNTS

Search Accounts Search Account Result

Use case 3: Given Tom login to the system, when Tom search Pending approval in USER_REQUEST table, then Tom can cancel any request before Admin approve or reject.

Cancel pending requests John logs in and did not see any pending requests

Use case 4: Given John login to the system, when John approve user submitted request , then it will persist in EXCLUSION_ACCOUNTS

John logged in and get the list of pending requests in a paginated way.

Approve or reject pending requests

After taking action on pending requests it will not show any pending requests.

Pending requests

Use case 5: Given John login to the system, when John reject user submitted request , then USER_REQUEST table will be updated with rejected status.

Tom Submits Requests

John logged in to see the pending requests.

John get pending requests

John approves the first one and rejects second one

John views requests status updated to 'APPROVED' and 'REJECTED'.

John views status updated New excluded account

Excluded account listed new account 0414020690

Use case 6: During batch run - system will read EXCLUSION_ACCOUNTS table and load the list of account , and remove the respective account from the file

  • Property monthly.batch_file=batch_file.csv is configured in applicaton.properites . Mentioned file must be present in the classpath.
  • batch run is exposed as an API. It can be called from Admin menu.
  • after batch run please check the specified file in the classpath. Accounts in EXCLUSION_ACCOUNTS will be removed from the batch file. Batch Run completed
By log in with John (Admin role) can execute batch run.