gridstack.js port for Blazor Compatible with Blazor server mode and WASM
Install the nugget package through nugget manager or
dotnet add package MudBlazor
Import the following
@using BlazorGridStack
@using BlazorGridStack.Models
then simply add the markup shown in the Usage/Examples section. Javascript and css files are loaded automatically.
Widgets as markup:
<BlazorGridStackBody GridStackOptions="@(new() { Class = "my-class" })">
<BlazorGridStackWidget WidgetOptions="@(new() {X = 3, Y = 2})"></BlazorGridStackWidget>
Widgets on runtime
<button onclick="@AddElementClicked">Add Element</button>
<BlazorGridStackBody @ref="Grid" GridStackOptions="@(new() { Class = "my-class" })"></BlazorGridStackBody>
@code {
BlazorGridStackBody? Grid;
public void AddElementClicked()
Grid.AddWidget(new BlazorGridStackWidgetOptions
W = 1,
H = 1
BlazorGridStack uses the same event and method names as gridstack.js (in UpperCammelCase), described in their API:
- Events and Methods that return a widget DOM element, will return objects of the type BlazorGridWidget.
- Methods wich require a widget DOM element, will accept an ID instead.