Async weather API wrapper for fetching weather and forecast data
Asyncio: a library to write concurrent code using the async/await syntax.
Aiohttp: an asynchronous HTTP Client/Server for asyncio and Python.
pip install async-weather-sdk
poetry add async-weather-sdk
Get current weather/forecast data by province and city.
from async_weather_sdk.qq import QQWeather
weather = QQWeather()
await weather.fetch_current_weather('北京市', '北京市')
await weather.fetch_weather_forecast('北京市', '北京市', 3)
Query current weather/forecast data with tencent map api key.
from async_weather_sdk.qq import query_current_weather, query_weather_forecast
await query_current_weather('API_KEY', '北京市')
await query_weather_forecast('API_KEY', '39.90469,116.40717')