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prep/pres for fosdem.

This is draft experimental, but feedback is welcome, especially if I linked you to something in particular which should be clearer.

to preview

Clone then run quarto preview.

to compile/hot reload raycasting model

npm install

npm link dev branch of calculang @calculang/calculang-js. (I need to make a new release to npm)

Then npm run raycasting:compile to compile and use refresh button.

reactive workings

This site uses 'reactive workings' or an optional overlay of workings on top of calculang code.

The code to generate these are in the reactive-workings folder, see script in package.json.

Resulting code saved in reactive-workings.ojs is manually pasted into example.qmd.

some models

Might not work for now. I'll be developing in this experimental repo right until fosdem on Feb 3/4!