Taking together Stanford CS224n course with support of DeepPavlov team.
Location: Учебный центр 1С, Москва, Дмитровское шоссе, д.9 (метро "Тимирязевская"), аудитория 9235 (2 этаж).
- weekly quizes
- up to 5 practical hometasks (Jupyter Notebook), to be announced.
- course project (obligatory), to be announced.
- Word Vector Representations (word2vec)
- Word Vectors and Word Senses (0:00-38:40, 58:00-1:20:00)
- Additional materials:
- CS224n: Word Vectors and Word Senses (38:40-58:00)
- Enriching Word Vectors with Subword Information
- CS231n: Backpropagation, Neural Networks 1
- Additional materials:
- CS224n: Vanishing Gradients, Fancy RNNs
- Paper: On the difficulty of training recurrent neural networks
- Article: Understanding LSTM Networks
- CS224n: Convolutional Networks for NLP
- Paper: Natural Language Processing (Almost) from Scratch
- Paper: Comparative Study of CNN and RNN for Natural Language Processing
- Paper: Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification
- CS224n: Translation, Seq2Seq, Attention
- Lecture Notes
- Paper: Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate
- Paper: Effective approaches to attention-based neural machine translation
- Article: Attention? Attention! by Lilian Weng
- The BERT-based Schema-Guided State Tracking [paper] [paper] [pic]
- The BERT Cross-Lingual Transferability [medium] [paper]
- BERT adaptation for new languages and tasks [presentation]
- How conversational is Conversational BERT? [docs]
- Grammatical error correction [Shared Task] [paper for Russian]
- Semi-supervised morpheme segmentation [paper]
- Low-resource morphological inflection [Shared Task] (to be updated)
- More morphological inflection [Shared Task]
- Automatic data augmentation (to be updated)
- Автоматическое решение ЕГЭ [Соревнование]
- Образовательные приложения глубокого обучения (обучение иностранному или русскому языку)
- [Semeval 2020]
- [SemEval 2018]
- [SemEval 2019]
- [Taxonomy enrichment]
- Russian aspect-based sentiment analysis [Dialog-2015]
- CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning [course] [youtube]
- CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition [course] [youtube]
- Machine Learning Glossary
- Open Machine Learning Course by @yorko
- Theoretical Deep Learning