- Victor Pontis
- Deepak Narayanan
- Todd Cramer
The main file to run the server is called Server.java and can be found in the server package. Just run the file as a Java application to get the server running on your local machine. If you want to specify the port the server runs on (default is 4444) then you want to add in the port as the first argument in runtime configurations of server. If launch is successful you should see a print statement saying what port the server is on.
To run the client you will need to run the Controller.java file which can be found under the view. The client can specify the IP address and port of the server it is trying to connect to. The default IP address is and the default port is 4444. If you want to specify both IP and port, go to the run configurations of Controller in Eclipse and se the first argument to the IP address and the second argument to the port.
We have been extensively testing our application on both Windows 7 and Mac OSX.