Personal Finance Calendar Forecast Console App
This is my first coding project I created for myself. Written in C#.
I decided I was tired of looking for a budget forecasting app so I made one myself.
It's rather limited and there are MAJOR issues in the calculations (lack of days being an example), along with limitations on Bill limits, frequencies, etc... The code is also incredibly amateurish and I hope to Refactor it in the future when my skills are more developed.
Feel free to download, comment, modify, or whatever. Since this is my first app I hope to use it as both a testing ground and reason to further my coding.
ALL FILES ARE SAVED UNDER C:\users\douglas\github\calforcast* This will be modified in the future, so the program most likely won't work without some modification. EXE can be located under calforcast\calbud\bin\debug\calbud.exe