It is bot for that saves files sent to his to his server and provides you short download link and a deletion link.It can also download videos from youtube and perform youtube search too.
Go to on web or search for UtiloBot on your telegram app and start the conversation.
You can use the following commands after you found the UtiloBot on telegram.
- /start - Shows the default welcome message
- /youtube - To download youtube video via URL or first search youtube and then download video
- /joke - Get a random hilarious joke
- /facebook - To subscribe to facebook pages
- /twitter - To subscribe to twitter handles
- /mysubscription - Lets you know all your Facebook and Twitter subscription.
- /mail - To send an E-mail to someone without using your email id.
- /help - To know more.
Apart from these commands if you send any file to Utilo, he will upload that file and send you a short URL to download and delete the file.
## Using the Source Code 1. Get the telegram bot api and save it in file named ACCESS_TOKEN
2. Get a bitly access token and save it to BITLY_ACCESS_TOKEN
3. Get a facbook app access token and save it to FB_ACCESS_TOKEN
4. Get twitter credentials and save them to TWITTER_CONFIG.json as follows :
"access_token" : " ", "access_token_secret" : " ", "consumer_key" : " ", "consumer_secret" : " " }
5. Save your E-mail credentials in EMAIL_CONFIG.json as follows :
{"email":" ","pass":" "}
6. Make two folders in the rerpository - FB , Twitter and inside make a folde pages_json. ## Screeshots ### Getting Jokes ### Sending Mail