A simple PHP based tool to create NFT's on the Crown blockchain
You need a VPS with (recommended) 2GB RAM, 1 CPU Core and 20GB hard drive.
Download and install the current Crown daemon and bootstrap to the server
sudo apt-get install curl -y && curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Crowndev/crowncoin/master/scripts/crown-server-install.sh | bash -s -b
Send a tiny amount of Crown to the daemon, for example (0.001).
You need a existing protocol to create tokens. If you're not using the protocol generator, use this instead on the VPS client.
Create a new protocol, editing the appropriate details
crown-cli nftproto register "Proto-short-name(abc)" "Proto-long-name" "YOUR-Crown-address" 3 "application/json" "" true true
crown-cli nftproto register "abc" "alphabet" "CRWKKM8kYa6u5oKAtyjQ98uQqzfMXxD6g284" 3 "application/json" "" true true
In the VPS edit /root/.crown/crown.conf to include your RPC details
Place the crown_de folder inside the root web directory
Place the crown-nft-generator folder inside wp-content/plugins
In the plugin code change all RPC details and URL info to your own.
Use the shortcode [crw_registration] to show the NFT generator.