A client for a RabbitMQ message queue server. This "client" is really a set of wrappers and helpers for the pika client library.
This package is in Pypi and can be installed using pip.
pip install mq-client
To create a consumer client, initialized an instance of AsyncMQConsumer
with a custom on_message
function defined. This function will be called every time the client receives a message.
from mq_client import AsyncMQConsumer
def on_message(channel, method, header, body):
global terminate
# Acknowledge message receipt
print body
consumer = AsyncMQConsumer("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2F",
To create a publisher client, initialized an instance of AsyncMQPublisher
with a custom producer
function defined. This function will be called in a loop until the client is stopped, and is expected to publish messages to the queue.
from mq_client import AsyncMQPublisher
def producer(publisher):
publisher.publish("message goes here")
publisher = AsyncMQPublisher(args.url,
This package comes with helper commands for easy debugging of your message queue.
This command is an example listener which will echo any messages it recieves.
$ mqlisten --help
usage: mqlisten [-h] [--url URL] [--exchange EXCHANGE]
[--exchange-type EXCHANGE_TYPE] [--queue QUEUE]
[--routing-key ROUTING_KEY]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--url URL
--exchange EXCHANGE
--exchange-type EXCHANGE_TYPE
--queue QUEUE
--routing-key ROUTING_KEY
This command publishes a single message using the configuration specified.
$ mqpublish --help
usage: mqpublish [-h] [--url URL] [--exchange EXCHANGE]
[--exchange-type EXCHANGE_TYPE] [--queue QUEUE]
[--routing-key ROUTING_KEY]
positional arguments:
message the message to publish
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--url URL
--exchange EXCHANGE
--exchange-type EXCHANGE_TYPE
--queue QUEUE
--routing-key ROUTING_KEY