Frame buffer base st7735 lcd interface with raspberry PI
copy the prajst77.dts to you raspberry and build it using command below dtc -@ -I dts -Odtc -@ -I dts -O dtb -o /boot/overlays/prajst77.dtbo prajst77.dts
The Reset Pin of LCD is connncted to GPIO 27 and Command/DC/AO is conncted to GPIO 25, you can directly connect the LED power to 3.3V of Raspberry PI SPI 0 is used as SPI interface with GPIO 8 as Chip select
Open the /boot/config.txt and add below lines after spi=on and reboot once changes are added
to check if Frambuffer is successfully added run command below
ls /dev/fb
if you see fb0 and fb1 then the frame buffer is added successfully and you all ready to go