I contributed to:
- Apache Ignite Machine Learning
- Maven
- Spring Cloud Contract
- Flatten Maven Plugin
- Spotbugs
- Mapstruct
- AssertJ
As you're already viewing my profile, check out the repositories below:
zeliba fluent API to write comparisons in AssertJ-like style for Java
jenkins-pipeline-linter-gradle-plugin plugin to validate pipelines based on Jenkins linter
raftr my implementation of RAFT algorithm
bitcask my implementation of bitcask (in progress)
sniper-auction implementing book Growing Object Oriented Software Guided by Tests in Kotlin
exercises-in-programming-style implementing book Exercises in Programming Style in Ruby
ppp-of-ddd implementing book Principles, Practices and Patterns of Domain-Driven Design in Java
software-tools-in-go implementing book Software Tools in Pascal in Go
understanding-computation-ts implementing book Understanding Computation in TypeSctipt (in progress)