“Faça seu melhor, mas sempre com prazo de entrega!”
This project is a simple creation of AIRBNB or objective is not the creation of another exactly the same. Where the user will log in with his email. You will be able to register new houses and apartments and see availability two same.
The objective was to learn a RESTful software architecture, where a backend can be created completely independent of where an app could be created in the future, without needing to improve on any architecture.
git clone https://github.com/deivid94/DevHouse.git
## Open project with or IDE and install dependencies:
npm install yarn --global yarn
cd "#yourDirwithSaveTheproject/DevHouse"
yarn init -Y
yarn add express nodemon sucrase multer -D # "-D only install in project"
#run project
dev yarn
# or
nodemon /src/server.js