is a feature-rich, fast, and easy to use library intended for building 'smart home' and similar controllers with graphical UI and optionally touch control.
- Text: anti-aliasing, kerning, zero-flicker, FreeType-style alignment, font metrics, UTF-8, formatting;
- Fonts: collection of Google Noto Sans, Serif, and Mono fonts in various styles (regular, bold, condensed, italic, combinations), and multiple sizes included. Extended alphabet. Font import tool available;
- Shapes: variety of basic and anti-aliased shapes including filled and stroked circles, round-rectangles, triangles, wedges, pies, trapezoids, lines, and arcs, with specified widths and rounded or flat endings;
- Offscreen: supports drawing to memory buffers, using a rich variety of color modes (ARGB 8888, RGBA 8888, RGB 888, ARGB 6666, ARGB 4444, RGB 565, Gray8, Gray4, GrayAlpha8, Alpha8, Alpha4, Indexed8, Indexed4, Indexed2, Indexed1);
- Images: JPEG, PNG; custom RLE-encoded as well as uncompressed PROGMEM-compatible image formats, supporting variety of color modes (same as above); image import tool available;
- Icons: includes a collection of over 34000 Google Material Icons, divided into 4 styles, 18 categories, and 4 sizes;
- Positioning: flexible alignment options, magnification / stretch, rotation;
- Clipping: clip rectangles, clip masks;
- Color: internal 32-bit ARGB; transparency, alpha-blending, alpha-compositing, 140 named HTML colors; multi-node color gradients: linear, radial, angular;
- Compositing: backgrounds, overlays (sprites), zero-flicker, memory-conservative Porter-Duff and blending modes;
- Touch: excellent quality drivers with noise filtering and smoothing; supports multi-touch on compliant devices;
- Extensibility: clean abstractions, including drawable objects, device drivers, fonts; supports arbitrary extensions (e.g. user-defined drawables, third-party drivers) as first-class entities;
- Excellent performance: highly optimized SPI transport, vectorized interfaces;
- Low footprint: memory-conscious implementation;
- Documentation: comprehensive programming guide;
- See also: a companion roo_windows library for building complex touch-based UI applications with scroll, animation, etc.
- Supported SPI display drivers: ILI9341, ILI9486, ILI9488, SSD1327, ST7735, ST7789;
- ESP32S3 DMA parallel driver harness;
- Adapter driver for TFT_eSPI-supported displays;
- Supported touch drivers: XPT2046, FT6x36, GT911;
- Supported integrated devices (microcontroller + touch display): LilyGo T-Display-S3, Makerfabs: 3.5in, ILI9488 SPI-based capacitive touch combo; 4.3in, parallel DMA-based capacitive touch combo.