adapter for aws redshift for rails 3
Ripped from rails 3 postgresql.
common: &common
adapter: postgresql
username: postgres
encoding: SQL_ASCII
template: template0
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
redshiftdb: &redshiftdb
adapter: redshift
database: databasename
port: 5439
username: username
password: password
<<: *common
<<: *redshiftdb
database: databasename
<td>set schema_search_path. use default value if not given.</td>
<td>force timezone for datetime when select values. ActiveRecord default timezone will set if not given.</td>
Helpful code to clone redshift tables
create table foos
id int not null primary key distkey,
name varchar(255) unique sortkey
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
require 'activerecord_redshift_adapter'
table_manager =, :exemplar_table_name => Foo.table_name)
select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = 'public' limit 1;
select oid,reldiststyle from pg_class where relnamespace = 2200 and relname = 'foos' limit 1;
select contype,conkey from pg_constraint where connamespace = 2200 and conrelid = 212591;
select attname,attnum from pg_attribute where attrelid = 212591 and attnum in (2,1);
show search_path;
set search_path = 'public';
select * from pg_table_def where tablename = 'foos' and schemaname = 'public';
create temporary table temporary_events_25343
id integer not null distkey,
name character varying(255),
primary key (id),
unique (name)
) sortkey (name);
set search_path = '$user','public';