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Research and analysis software for Telegram (Backend)

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Teledash Backend

Research and analysis software for Telegram



Rename .env.example to .env and edit it according to your needs. The defaults are listed below:

Name Value
MONGO_HOST Hostname for MongoDB. Default: "mongo" (forwards to the "mongo" docker container).
MONGO_USER Username for MongoDB.
MONGO_PASSWORD Password for MongoDB.
MONGO_DB_NAME Name of MongoDB database.
FLOWER_HOST Hostname for Flower (for debugging). Default: "flower" (forwards to the "flower" docker container)
FLOWER_PORT Port for Flower. Default: "5555"
FLOWER_USER User to access Flower.
FLOWER_PASSWORD Password to access Flower.
SCRAPE_CHATS_MAX_DAYS Number of days content in chats will be scraped backwards (when scraping for the first time). Set to 0 to scrape all content. Warning: Scraping all content of a chat can take several days. Default: "7"
SCRAPE_CHATS_INTERVAL_MINUTES Interval in minutes new messages of chats will be scraped. Default: "30"
SAVE_ATTACHMENT_TYPES Attachments that will be downloaded and stored. Default: ["photo","audio","document","animation","video","voice","video_note","sticker"]
KEEP_ATTACHMENT_FILES_DAYS Number of days attachments will be deleted after automatically. Set to 0 to keep files.
STORAGE_ENDPOINT Endpoint for S3-compatible object storage e.g. MinIO. Default: "host.docker.internal:9000" (forwards to the minio docker container)
STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY API username for object storage.
STORAGE_SECRET_KEY API key for object storage.
JWT_SECRET JWT secret (token)
JWT_LIFETIME_SECONDS Lifetime of JWT in seconds. Default: "3600" (1 hour)
OCR_ASR_FALLBACK_LANGUAGE Fallback language code (ISO 639-1) for text and speech recognition if language of chat can't be detected automatically. Default: "en"
OCR_ENABLED Whether text recognition (OCR) for images using tesseract is enabled. If enabled make sure SAVE_ATTACHMENT_TYPES includes "photo". Pretrained models are available for 120+ languages and will be downloaded automatically if OCR_MODEL_TYPE is "fast" or "best". Default: "fast"
OCR_MODEL_TYPE The model type being used for OCR. Can be "fast", "best" or "custom". Fast models are fast and need less ressoures but are less accurate. Best models need more ressources, take longer but are more accurate.
ASR_ENABLED Whether speech recognition (ASR) using vosk is enabled. If enabled make sure SAVE_ATTACHMENT_TYPES includes "voice".
ASR_LANGUAGE Language code (ISO 639-1) for the language speech recognition (ASR) should be performed. Currently only one language is supported at once. Default: "en"
ASR_MODEL_NAME Model name for speech recognition. Pretrained models are available for 20+ languages and will be downloaded automatically. For these languages usually exist "small" and "big" models. Small models are fast and need less ressoures but are less accurate. Big models need more ressources, take longer but are more accurate. Note: Big models require up to 16 GB memory. Default: "vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15" (small english model)
API_ALLOW_ORIGINS From which domain the API will be accessible. Default: "["http://localhost:3000"]" (only accessible from localhost)

Note: Scraping for the first time can take several hours to days to download and process all content depending on the configuration settings, available ressources and number of telegram clients used.



Clone this repository, change configuration accordingly (see above) and run docker-compose up.

Make sure to change JWT_SECRET, FLOWER_USER, FLOWER_PASSWORD, MONGO_USER and MONGO_PASSWORD as the mongodb instance will be accessible remotely by default.



The database can be exported in different ways:

Bash Script

There's a bash script that takes a collection name and exports that collection to a specified location ("outfile path") as a JSON-file. Usage:

$ ./scripts/export/ <collection name> <outfile path>

MongoDB Compass

Alternatively, you can export the database via the GUI MongoDB Compass as JSON or CSV.

MinIO / Object Storage

Use the command-line MinIO client (e. g. mc cp --recursive minio/[SOURCE] [TARGET]), the web interface MinIO console (by default available at http://localhost:9001) or Cyberduck (using a generic S3 profile) if you want to download all attachments from the object storage.


We use VS Code Remote-Containers for the development setup. To start developing in a Docker container, run the Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container-Command from the Command Palette and select the worker or api-folder.


Starting the API

$ uvicorn api.main:app --reload


Once the API is up and running you can open the interactive documentation of the API at

Default user

The default username is (password: 12345678). Make sure to change this after deployment.


Start Celery by running the VSCode task "Celery workers".

To test the scraping tasks, execute in a python shell:

>>> from worker.tasks import init_scrapers
>>> init_scrapers.delay()

MinIO object storage

We use MinIO for object storage in development.

To setup a local MinIO instance with persistent storage, run:

$ mkdir -p ~/minio/data

$ docker run \
    -p 9000:9000 \
    -p 9001:9001 \
    --name minio1 \
    -v ~/minio/data:/data \
    -e "MINIO_ROOT_USER=username" \
    -e "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=password" \ server /data --console-address ":9001"

Don't forget to update MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD. They must have the same values as STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY and STORAGE_SECRET_KEY in the .env-file.

For more info check out the MinIO Quickstart Guide.

MinIO Client

If you want to access MinIO via CLI follow the MinIO Client Guide.



Alias is simply a short name to your cloud storage service.

Removing buckets

$ mc rb minio/[BUCKET_NAME] minio/[BUCKET_NAME] ... --force

Useful Docker commands

Open authenticated MongoDB-shell in mongo container:

$ scripts/

Recreate MongoDB indexes

The file scripts/mongo-init.js is executed once when Mongodb starts for the first time. To recreate all indexes (e.g. after dropping a collection), run:

$ scripts/

Open a shell inside container:

$ docker exec -it <container id or name> /bin/bash

As root:

$ docker exec -it --user root <container id or name> /bin/bash

Other Notes

Obtaining API credentials from Telegram

For scraping you need to register at least one (Telegram) client and obtain api_id and api_hash.

Vosk on Apple Silicon Macs

There's no official Vosk-package for Apple Silicon (arm64) CPUs, but a workaround. To make Vosk work on M1/M2 open /worker/requirements.txt and replace vosk with


  • Add documentation for setup and deployment instructions
  • Add documentation for frontend
  • Improve full text search (implement fuzzy search)
  • Create JWT refresh endpoint for API
  • Implement Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Handle failed downloads and clean up tmp directory
  • Extract and store meta data for media files
  • Extract and store text from documents
  • Write tests


Please cite Teledash in your publications if you used it for your research:

  title={Teledash – analysis and research software for Telegram},
  author={Weichbrodt, Gregor and Stanjek, Grischa},