Caster is a turn based multiplayer rogue like game. jCaster is a standalone 3d java client. Libs are currently used (place them in the lib directory):
- jmonkeyengine 3
- JSON libray from
- slf4j - simple
Jars needed (lib/):
- jMonkeyEngine3.jar
- JSON.jar
- slf4j-api-1.6.6.jar
- slf4j-simple-1.6.6.jar
Jme3 jars (under lib/jme3):
- eventbus.jar
- jME3-lwjgl.jar
- lwjgl.jar
- jbullet.jar
- jME3-lwjgl-natives.jar
- nifty-default-controls.jar
- jinput.jar
- jME3-networking.jar
- nifty-examples.jar
- jME3-blender.jar
- jME3-niftygui.jar
- nifty.jar
- jME3-core.jar
- jME3-plugins.jar
- nifty-lwjgl-renderer-1.3.jar
- jME3-desktop.jar
- jME3-terrain.jar
- nifty-style-black.jar
- jME3-effects.jar
- jME3-testdata.jar
- stack-alloc.jar
- jME3-jbullet.jar
- j-ogg-oggd.jar
- vecmath.jar
- jME3-jogg.jar
- j-ogg-vorbisd.jar
- xmlpull-xpp3.jar
Later i'll try to auromate this unholy mess
Game assets are in very inmature form. Adaptation of creative commons content is considered.