Easy multi-table inheritance for rails.
With acts_as_relation
models inherit parent model:
- columns
- validations
- methods
Multi-table inheritance happens when each model in the hierarchy is a model all by itself
that corresponds to its own database table and can be queried and created individually.
The inheritance relationship introduces links between the child model and each of its
parents (via an automatically-created has_one
generate models
$ rails g model product name:string price:float
$ rails g model pen color:string
Add next option to Product Migration:
create_table :products, :as_relation_superclass => true
add some validations and instance methods
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :name, :price
def hello
puts "Hello, My name is '#{name}', my price is $#{price}."
product is superclass for all kind of products:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
pen inherits from product
class Pen < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as :product
to get some specific class(as example: specific product - Pen) from superclass can be used method specific_class:
Pen.create :name => 'Pen A', :color=> 'black', :price => 0.42
product = Product.first
product.specific_class # will be instance of Pen class
to get name of association used between superclass and children can be used method acts_as_association_name:
Product.acts_as_association_name # 'Productable'
after deleting specific object will be removed linked superobject:
Pen.first.destroy # delete as Pen row as linked Product row
pen inherits products validations and columns
p = Pen.new
p.valid? => false
p.errors => {:name=>["can't be blank"], :price=>["can't be blank"]}
pen inherits product methods
pen = Pen.new(:name=>"Red Pen", :color=>:red, :price=>0.99)
pen.hello => Hello, My name is 'Red Pen', my price is $0.99.
we can make queries on both models
Product.where("price <= 1")
Pen.where("color = ?", color)
Copyright (c) 2011 Hassan Zamani, released under the MIT license.