Countries & City Names, including GEO coordinates (Lat, Lng) + country ISO name and full name Completely rewrote from old package name called pangnote-cities, now have the following:
- 250 countries
17k cities (big cities), you can get list of cities using getCities(country_name)
- each country have detailed information (common & native names, sub/region, capital, currency, tld, etc)
- GEO locations for each country & city
- convert country name to ISO code & back
- getCountries() - get array of countries
const p = require('pangnote-cities')
name: {
common: 'Ukraine',
official: 'Ukraine',
native: { common: 'Україна', official: 'Україна' }
tld: [ '.ua', '.укр' ],
cca2: 'UA',
ccn3: '804',
cca3: 'UKR',
currency: [ 'UAH' ],
callingCode: [ '380' ],
capital: 'Kiev',
altSpellings: [ 'UA', 'Ukrayina' ],
relevance: '0',
region: 'Europe',
subregion: 'Eastern Europe',
nativeLanguage: 'ukr',
languages: { ukr: 'Ukrainian' },
translations: {
deu: 'Ukraine',
fra: 'Ukraine',
hrv: 'Ukrajina',
ita: 'Ucraina',
jpn: 'ウクライナ',
nld: 'Oekraïne',
por: 'Ucrânia',
rus: 'Украина',
spa: 'Ucrania'
latlng: [ 49, 32 ],
demonym: 'Ukrainian',
borders: [
'BLR', 'HUN',
'MDA', 'POL',
'ROU', 'RUS',
area: 603500
- getCountryNames() - get array of country names
const p = require('pangnote-cities')
// [ 'Afghanistan', 'Åland Islands', 'Albania', 'Algeria', ...]
- getCities('Ukraine') - get city names of Ukraine
const p = require('pangnote-cities')
- getCountryGeo('Ukraine') - get country GEO location [lat, lng]
const p = require('pangnote-cities')
// [ 49, 32 ]
- getCityGeo('Ukraine', 'Kharkiv')- get city GEO location [lat, lng]
const p = require('pangnote-cities')
p.getCityGeo('Ukraine', 'Kharkiv')
// [ 49.9808, 36.2527 ]
- getCountryISO('Ukraine') - get ISO code by country name: Ukraine -> UA
const p = require('pangnote-cities')
// 'UA'
- getISOCountry('UA') - get country name by ISO code: UA -> Ukraine
const p = require('pangnote-cities')
// 'Ukraine'