SaaS Notion Clone with Realtime cursors, Nextjs 13, Stripe, Drizzle ORM, Tailwind, Supabase, Sockets
Unfortunately, there is a delay of 1 minute before the cold start of the application. It's not me but a Render free tier. I can't deploy this app on Vercel because they don't support web sockets and serverless, so I deployed it on Render (because it's free).
- 🤯 Real-time cursors
- 📝 Real-time text selection
- ⏱️ Real-time database and collaboration
- 🟢 Real-time presence
- 🗑️ Move to trash functionality
- 😜 Custom emoji picker
- 🌙 Light mode dark mode
- 🚨 Next.js 13 app router
- 🗺️ Creating free plan restrictions
- 💰 Take monthly payments
- 📧 Custom email 2FA invitation
- ⚡️ Supabase Row level policy
- 👨👨👧👦 Real-time Collaboration
- 👾 Deployment
- 🤑 Custom Rich text editor
- 📚 Update profile settings
- 📍 Manage payments in a portal
- 🔐 Custom Authentication
- ✳️ Websockets
- 📣 Optimistic UI
- 📱 Responsive design