Use your Arduino to send and receive RF messeges to/from Computherm Q8RF thermostat.
There are several 868.35 MHz transmitter and receiver available in many places. I used a cheap one and it works perfectly:
- RF Transmitter: HopeRF RFM117W-868S1
- RF Receiver: HopeRF RFM217W-868S1
Please be aware that the mentioned hardwares not tolerating 5V, so use a 3.3V based MCU or don't forget about the level shifter.
You should use Arduino's interrupt enabled digital input pins (on Uno/Nano: D2 or D3) since this library built on top of that feature.
Use at your own risk! Truly! There is no warranty!
In the examples directory you can find 2 simple way of usage.
Computherm Q8RF retail product has a quite simple RF protocol. It uses 868.35 MHz ASK OOK modulated communication. The interpretation of the bits in the message is not 100% clear but managed to identify the ON/OFF section and padding. The rest now handled as security ID - but could contain some other information as well. Feel free to investigate deeply the protocol to make the lib more handy.
Maybe the lib could be adopted to other retail products - from the same manufacturer - but I don't have any other. Maybe the same product can be sold under other brands so please let me know if you managed to utilize my lib for other thermostats.