- U of A Coding bootcamp Project 1 🤘
- https://denzgrant.github.io/SnapesOnAPlane/
- Team Member: Denzell 🙈, Hoover 🙉, and Michelle. 🙊
- I want an application that will search and display a list of recipes based on a search term that I provide.
- As a user who also enjoys dining out, the application should also return a list of local restaurants that relate to my recipe search term. I, the user, will provide a zip code to determine locality.
- As a user I want this website to have ‘clean’ and ‘simple’ front-end style.
- As a user, the application must be ‘responsive’. It should look great when viewed from any device.
- As a user, I want the application to remember my last search if I refresh the page
- As a user, if my search term returns limited restaurant results (<5), I want the application to supplement those results with a search of my zip code only.
- UIKit
- Zomato-https://developers.zomato.com/api
- Edamam-https://developer.edamam.com/
- Open Weather Map-https://openweathermap.org/
- jQuery
- Moment.js
- AOS- Animate On Scroll Library