Thread-safe, couroutine based local storage tool.
This project is currently limited by the lack of suspending property get/set
object TestWarehouse : WindowsWarehouse.Appdata /* Stores files in AppData directory */ {
override val name = "TestWarehouse"
val Username by property(default = "UnnamedUser")
val Friends by list<String>()
val Items by map<String, Int>()
suspend fun main() {
// Get and set a property
println("Old username: ${TestWarehouse.Username()}")
TestWarehouse.Username set UUID.randomUUID().toString()
println("New username: ${TestWarehouse.Username()}")
// Use a list of friends
println("${TestWarehouse.Username()} has ${TestWarehouse.Friends.size()} friends")
println("They are:")
TestWarehouse.Friends.items().forEach { println(" - $it") }
val newFriend = listOf("joe", "bob", "sally").random()
println("Made a new friend: $newFriend!")
TestWarehouse.Friends += newFriend
// Dynamic map of items
TestWarehouse.Items.items().forEach { println("Old Item: $it") }
TestWarehouse.Items.set("Burger", Random.nextInt(1, 20))
TestWarehouse.Items.set("Waffle", Random.nextInt(1, 20))
TestWarehouse.Items.set("Cake", Random.nextInt(1, 20))
println("Amount of burger: ${TestWarehouse.Items.get("Burger")}")
println("Amount of waffle: ${TestWarehouse.Items.get("Waffle")}")
println("Amount of cake: ${TestWarehouse.Items.get("Cake")}")