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A simple fastcgi Objective-C framework to create web services and websites.


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Backtoweb is a simple web framework for Objective-C developer.

It uses a simple handler mechanism which map an URL path to an Objective-C block.

Check out the samples.

In the following example, we are mapping http://mywebsite/hello/world to a block which outputs a single text line.

@implementation HelloWorldHandler
        addHandler:^BOOL(FCURLRequest *request, FCResponseStream *responseStream, NSMutableDictionary* context)
            [responseStream writeString:@"Hello world !"];

            return NO; //do not try to find another handler
     forLiteralPath:@"/hello/world" pathType:FCPathTypeURLPath priority:FCHandlerPriorityNormal];


The current version of the framework will let you test server-side Objective-C using the apache web server integrated in Mac OSX.

It was tested with OSX Mountain Lion.


The installation process described here is for development purpose only.

If you plan to use the framework in production, you should know how to securely configure the Apache Webserver.

1. Install mod_fastcgi

Sadly, OSX Apache Webserver does not come with fastcgi installed. This is the only tricky step.

We are using this homebrew formula to install it.

brew install

A common error with this formula on OSX 10.8 is :

/usr/share/apr-1/build-1/libtool: line 4574: /Applications/ No such file or directory

In that case, use the following command and retry the mod_fastcgi install via brew.

$ [ "$(sw_vers -productVersion | sed 's/^\(10\.[0-9]\).*/\1/')" = "10.8" ] && bash -c "[ -d /Applications/ ] && sudo bash -c 'cd /Applications/ && ln -vs XcodeDefault.xctoolchain OSX10.8.xctoolchain' || sudo bash -c 'mkdir -vp /Applications/ && cd /Applications/ && ln -vs /usr/bin'"

If you don't have homebrew installed or if you want to know more about the toolchain problem, just check this page.

Alternatively, if you know what you're doing, you can build from the source code.

2. Change Apache Web Server config

Copy the file httpd-b2w.conf into the directory /etc/apache2/other/.

For example :

sudo cp ~/Downloads/backtoweb-master/tools/apache2/httpd-b2w.conf /etc/apache2/other/


If you already use the OSX integrated web server for another purpose, please review the config file before using it.

This file will make Apache load the mod_fastcgi module.

It will also redirects 'directory' requests to our fastcgi app (everything not ending with a file extension).

The config file contains a hardcoded path to the module, so you might want to change it if you haven't use homebrew at step 1.

3. Open the backtoweb workspace with Xcode.

Open the backtoweb.xcworkspace file.

4. Build and run

Use the scheme 'Apache Debug on dev machine' (should be the default).

Your admin password will be asked twice:

  • for copying the built files to the Webserver folder.
  • to run the debugger as root in order to attach it to the fastcgi process.

Caveats and Security concerns:

An helper tool called is used to copy the files.

You will give admin right to this helper by entering your password.

Xcode custom build steps communicate with this process via URL scheme.

This has two caveats:

  • A lot of 'open' process will be created and left hanging there until you kill CopyHelper.
  • Any program can use this app to copy file with admin right.

To mitigate the second problem, copy is limited to the /Library/WebServer destination and URL schemes are accepted only from the open process (therefore they can not be open via a link in Safari).

5. Go to http://localhost/hello/world with your favorite browser.

Put a breakpoint in HelloWorldHandler.m, refresh your browser page and debug your server-side code!

How does it works

1. FastCGI

From your browser to the objective-C code :

Browser ----> Apache Webserver ----> ----> fastcgiapp.fcgi ----> HelloWorldHandler.bundle

Once executed, the fastcgiapp.fcgi exec will stay in memory and mod_fastcgi will pass requests using sockets (see for details).

2. Handlers bundles and frameworks.

The Xcode workspace comes with an helper app called which will ask root permissions in order to create folders and copy files.

The resulting arborescence is:

    Documents  (Default OSX folder for documents)
         <Your static html and image files>
 	CGI-Executables  (Default OSX folder for CGI executables)
 	handlers      (This is where all the bundles will be copied)
    frameworks    (This is where all the frameworks will be copied)

In order for the help app to do its magic, you need to use the 'Apche Debug on dev machine' scheme in Xcode.

3. Inside the fastcgiapp.fcgi and backtoweb.frameworks

The fastcgiapp.fcgi is really just an empty shell. Its purpose is to load the backtoweb.framework which in turn will load the handlers bundle.

When a HTTP request is provided by the fastcgi framework, the backtoweb framework creates a FCURLRequest object to encapsulate the request parameters and a FCResponseStream object to encapsulate the fastcgi response stream and pass them to the registered handlers.


Upon build and run, Xcode just sits waiting for fastcgiapp.fcgi to launch

It means that the Apache Web Server failed to launch.

  • Check the for any http related messages.
  • Check you apache config using sudo apachectl configtest


A simple fastcgi Objective-C framework to create web services and websites.







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