Developing a web application in Python with Flask Framework, templating with Bootstrap, serving with Gunicorn and Nginx and using Docker with Docker Compose as container solution for development.
This website is a Proof of Concept of a project developed following DevOps philosophy and tools.
The Backend programming language is Python, frontend programming languages are HTML5, CSS3, Javascript.
The MVC Web Framework used is Flask, configured to be served by a Gunicorn Application Server, behind a webserver Nginx in a reverse-proxy mode.The grid-system is Bootstrap.
As containerization system I chose Docker (with docker-compose as a non-distributed orchestrator in development environment).
Unit tests are made with pytest and Selenium Webdriver to auto-simulate user interactions with the browser. I use Git as Version Control System and a remote Github repository, deeply integrated with Travis CI, in order to enable automatic tests in Continuous Integration mode and automatic releases to Heroku in Continuous Delivery mode.
As Heroku doesn't provide an HTTPS endpoint, in order to use SSL, prevent DDoS attacks and increase performances, the website is in a CDN with CloudFlare.
Remote project repository is available here:
Production deployed app is available here:
Change your working directory in the latest one created via git clone
, where Dockerfile is present, and launch these commands:
docker build -t flask_website .
docker run --name test_flask_website -it --env PORT=5000 -p 80:80 flask_website:latest
Create your own docker-compose.yml
in the folder above the folder you created via git clone
, with the following YAML syntax:
version: '3'
restart: always
build: ./flask_website
- PORT=5000
- "80:80"
and then launch these commands:
docker-compose build flask_website
docker-compose up flask_website