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Accessibility Rules

Christopher Yono edited this page Sep 21, 2018 · 2 revisions

Attest for iOS comes along with Deque's state of the art rules engine. As with all of Deque's Accessibility Analysis products, the focus is on:

  • Low False Positives
  • WCAG Accessibility Compliance
  • Straight Forward Remediation Advice

Below is an outline and short description of each of our rules and what it is each rules is looking for.

Rule Name Accessibility Tool Success Criteria App Version
Active Control Name VoiceOver WCAG 4.1.2 1.3
Colliding Controls System Platform Guideline 1.3
Colliding Views System Best Practice 1.3
Color Contrast System WCAG 4.1.2 1.0
Conflicting Traits System Platform Guideline 1.0
Dynamic Type System WCAG 1.4.4 1.1
Focusable Text VoiceOver WCAG 4.1.2 1.3
ImageView Name VoiceOver WCAG 1.1.1 1.3
In Highlight VoiceOver Best Practice 1.0
Nested A11y Elements VoiceOver, Keyboard, System WCAG 2.1.1 1.0
Touch Target Size System Platform Guideline 1.0

Active Control Name - Critical - WCAG 4.1.2

Ensures that Active Controls have an Accessible Name.

Failing Cases

  • A Control does not have an Accessible Name.

Passing Cases

  • A Control has an Accessible Name.

Colliding Controls - Critical - Platform Guideline

Bounds of Active Controls should not intersect.

Failing Cases

  • Two Actionable Controls overlap one another.

Passing Cases

  • Elements do not overlap.
  • Exceptions for various special controls.

Colliding Views - Minor - Best Practice

Views with important information should not intersect.

Failing Cases

  • Text element overlaps with other important views.

Passing Cases

  • No elements overlap.

Color Contrast - Critical - WCAG 1.4.3

Text in controls must have adequate contrast with their background.

Failing Cases

  • Text is found to have less than 4.5:1 color contrast ratio against its background.
  • Large Text is found to have less than 3.0:1 color contrast ratio against its background.

Passing Cases

  • Text is found to have 4.5:1 color contrast ratio or greater with its background.
  • Large text is found to have 3.0:1 color contrast ratio or greater with its background.

Conflicting Traits - Critical - Platform Guideline

Inspects elements for conflicting use of UIAccessibilityTraits.

Failing Cases

  • Two UIAccessibilityTraits on one element conflict.

Passing Cases

  • No UIAccessibilityTraits on one element conflict.

Dynamic Type - Critical - WCAG 1.4.4

Text controls should respond to system requests for Type Size changes.

Failing Cases

  • Text does not adjust when Type Size is changed in iOS Settings.
  • Text cannot be read because it is permanently off-screen.

Passing Cases

  • Text does adjust size.

Focusable Text - Critical - WCAG 4.1.2

Ensures that all text can be accessed by VoiceOver and has an Accessible Name.

Failing Cases

  • Text cannot be focused by VoiceOver.

Passing Cases

  • Text can be focused by VoiceOver.

ImageView Name - Critical - WCAG 4.1.2

Ensures ImageViews have an Accessible Name.

Failing Cases

  • ImageView does not have an Accessible Name.

Passing Cases

  • ImageView does have an Accessible Name.
  • Exceptions for special cases.

In Highlight - Critical - Best Practice

The accessibility frame for a control must encompass the control.

Failing Cases

  • A view's focus box is offset and only partially covers the element.
  • A view's focus box does not encompass the element at all.

Passing Cases

  • A view's focus box encapsulates the entire element.
  • A view's focus box encompasses itself and other related elements.

Nested A11y Elements - Critical - WCAG 2.1.1

Accessibility Elements should not be nested together.

Failing Cases

  • Two Active Controls are within a VoiceOver-focusable view.

Passing Cases

  • One Active Control is within a VoiceOver-focusable view.

Touch Target Size - Serious - Platform Guideline

Ensures Active Controls are large enough, per iOS accessibility guidelines.

Failing Cases

  • An Active Control's height is less than recommended.
  • An Active Control's width is less than recommended.

Passing Cases

  • An Active Control's height and width meet the accessibility criteria.
  • Exceptions for special controls
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