Beta. To run you need to run composer install
and docker-compose up
. Look at the docker-compose.yml file and make sure your host file has the correct entires in it. There's a make file with some useful commands.
- Figure out a better way to set up host file.
- Seperate composer commands and drush from docker-php and move it to a "terminal" command.
- Add scripts to set up drupal site quickly and to run drush/drupal console.
- Nginx - 80 (Default)
- Mariadb - 2206 (Exposed, Default)
- Mailhog HTTP - 8025 (Exposed, Default)
- Mailhog SMTP - 1025 (Default)
- Redis - 6379 (Exposed, Default)
- php-fpm - 9500 (Default)
- xdebug - 9000 (Default)