Puppet module for managing sendmail configuration.
This module manages and confgiures the sendmail agent.
- sendmail_mc_template: path to the sendmail.mc template
- smart_host: the smtp outgoing server
- smtp_port: the smtp port
- exposed_user: the username to be displayed instead of the masquerade name
- masquerade_as: this causes mail being sent to be labeled as coming from the indicated host.domain
- masquerade_envelope: if masquerading is enabled or the genericstable is in use, set this parameter to true to also masquerade envelopes, normally only the header addresses are masqueraded
- masquerade_entire_domain: set this to true if you need all hosts within the masquerading domains to be rewritten to the masquerade name
- masquerade_domain: the effect of this is that although mail to user@otherhost.domain will not be delivered locally, any mail including any user@otherhost.domain will, when relayed, be rewritten to have the masquerade_as address; this can be a space-separated list of names
- rootmail: mail address for the root user, default is undef
- aliases: hash of aliases. Example: { 'user' => 'email' }
- generics_domains: list of domains to serve. Example: [ 'domain1.com', 'domain2.com' }
- generics_table: hash of user email addresses for multiple domains. Example: { 'user', 'email' }
- auth_user: SMTP user, not used for authentication
- auth_email: SMTP email (username)
- auth_password: SMTP password
This is and example of setting up the sendmail agent using the default configuration.
Using the sendmail module
class { 'sendmail': }
- Support for authorization
- Template fix
- Fix for path to the make command
- Initial version