Implementation caesar cipher algorithms as outlined here by the Odin Project.
An encrypting algorithm that takes a string or text as input, and it encrypts the text inorder to return an encrypted text.
- Ruby
Open the live demo link above and run either of the code demonstrations below, test the method cipher() which needs a string and a key as arguments and then run the following command, you will get an encrypted text on the command line
ruby cipher.rb
- Ruby
To run this project locally, please ensure you have Ruby installed on your machine, then clone this repository by running.
git clone
After cloning run
cd caesar-cipher
Lastly run either of the commands listed in the getting started section above.
👤 Mugirase Emmanuel
- Github: @descholar-ceo
- Twitter: @descholar3
- Linkedin: MUGIRASE Emmanuel
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This project is MIT licensed.