Validates Zip / Postal type codes by country with some features
Postal Systems by Country
DMOZ Post/Zip Code Info+DB
List of Postal Codes
Based on a similar project sirprize/postal-code-validator but expanded on it adding over 100 new validations and updating ther others using mostly the Wikipedia postal codes list and some other features I needed in zip validation.
composer require detain/zip-zapper
use Detain\ZipZapper\Validator;
$validator = new Validator();
$validator->hasCountry('CH'); // returns true
use Detain\ZipZapper\Validator;
$validator = new Validator();
$validator->isValid('CH', 'usjU87jsdf'); // returns false
$validator->isValid('CH', '3007'); // returns true
use Detain\ZipZapper\Validator;
$validator = new Validator();
$validator->getFormats('GB'); // returns array('@@## #@@', '@#@ #@@', '@@# #@@', '@@#@ #@@', '@## #@@', '@# #@@')