The project consists of two games (Breakout and Tic-Tac-Toe) created using JAVA - AWT and Swing with different classes from these packages to make an User Interface. The UI has been made using JFrame class and various functions. The games use basic JAVA concepts like two-dimensional arrays, inheritance, multiple interfaces, switch cases, and AWT classes and concepts.
- Install and open NetBeans.
- Download and unzip Mini-Games-using-AWT-and-Swing-in-JAVA master branch from github.
- Click on open project in the file menu.
- Run
to start the game.
- Install and open eclipse.
- Import the project from github: Select(in the menu bar) File/import/Git/"Projects from Git"
- Select clone URI
- Copy
into the field URI - Press next a couple times and maybe choose a custom Destination Directory.
- Wait some time for eclipse to download the project. If the source code shows any errors try refreshing the project(right click on project, refresh).
- Run
to start the game.
All you need is a computer that runs java.
- Manish Patil
- Aniket Jagtap
- Sushant Shelar
- Isha Pawar