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Gox Http

Gox Http provides utility to call a http endpoint. It provides following:

  1. Define all endpoint and api config in configuration file
  2. Circuit breaker using Hystrix
  3. Set concurrency for each api - this ensures that if we go beyond "concurrency" no of parallel requests then hystrix will reject the requests
  4. Set timeout for each api - the call will timeout if this request takes time > timeout defined
  5. acceptable_codes - list of "," separated status codes which are acceptable. These status codes will not be counted as errors and will not open hystrix circuit
  1. Use v4.*.* branches for go 21 and 21+ project
  2. If you use other gox libs then use the following       v2.0.*       v4.0.*  v2.0.*    v2.0.*

You can use these commands to change imports in your project to work with the new `v4`. You can run these and can do `go mod tidy` you will get the latest versions.
find . -type f -name "*.go" -exec sed -i '' 's|||g' {} +
find . -type f -name "*.go" -exec sed -i '' 's|||g' {} +
find . -type f -name "*.go" -exec sed -i '' 's|||g' {} +
find . -type f -name "*.go" -exec sed -i '' 's|||g' {} +

How to use

Given below is a example on how to use this liberary

package main

import (
	goxHttpApi ""

// Here you can define your own configuration
// We have used "jsonplaceholder" as a test server. A api "getPosts" is defined which uses "server=jsonplaceholder"
var httpConfig = `
    port: 443
    https: true
    connect_timeout: 1000
    connection_request_timeout: 1000
    host: localhost
    port: 9123

    method: GET
    path: /posts/{id}
    server: jsonplaceholder
    timeout: 1000
    acceptable_codes: 200,201
    path: /delay
    server: testServer
    timeout: 10
    concurrency: 3 

func main() {

	cf := gox.NewCrossFunction()

	// Read config and
	config := command.Config{}
	err := serialization.ReadYamlFromString(httpConfig, &config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("got error in reading config", err)

	// Setup goHttp context
	goxHttpCtx, err := goxHttpApi.NewGoxHttpContext(cf, &config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("got error in creating gox http context config", err)

	// Make a http call and get the result
	// 	ResponseBuilder - this is used to convert json response to your custom object
	//  The following interface can be implemented to convert from bytes to the desired output.
	//  response.Response will hold the object which is returned from  ResponseBuilder
	//	type ResponseBuilder interface {
	//		Response(data []byte) (interface{}, error)
	//	}
	request := command.NewGoxRequestBuilder("getPosts").
		WithPathParam("id", 1).
	response, err := goxHttpCtx.Execute(context.Background(), "getPosts", request)
	if err != nil {

		// Error details can be extracted from *command.GoxHttpError
		if goxError, ok := err.(*command.GoxHttpError); ok {
			if goxError.Is5xx() {
				fmt.Println("got 5xx error")
			} else if goxError.Is4xx() {
				fmt.Println("got 5xx error")
			} else if goxError.IsBadRequest() {
				fmt.Println("got bad request error")
			} else if goxError.IsHystrixCircuitOpenError() {
				fmt.Println("hystrix circuit is open due to many errors")
			} else if goxError.IsHystrixTimeoutError() {
				fmt.Println("hystrix timeout because http call took longer then configured")
			} else if goxError.IsHystrixRejectedError() {
				fmt.Println("hystrix rejected the request because too many concurrent request are made")
			} else if goxError.IsHystrixError() {
				fmt.Println("hystrix error - timeout/circuit open/rejected")

		} else {
			fmt.Println("got unknown error")

	} else {
		// {some json response ...}

Retry Handling

You can specify following properties in a API to enable a retry.

  1. retry_count - how many times you want to retry
  2. retry_initial_wait_time_ms - a delay before making a retry
  3. NOTE - the total Hystrix timeout will be set to (timeout + (retry_count * timeout) + retry_initial_wait_time_ms)
    Timeout is the time taken by a single call. So the total time is adjusted to cover retries
  4. If response from a server is an acceptable code then retry will not be done e.g. in this case status=404 will not trigger a retry.
    method: GET
    path: /posts/{id}
    server: jsonplaceholder
    timeout: 1000
    acceptable_codes: 200,201,404
    retry_count: 3
    retry_initial_wait_time_ms: 10

Test case support - Mocking a api

If you want to mock an API, then you can do the following. In this example, we are adding a hook and using an httptest server to return mock data. Using this, the tests are actually calling a full HTTP API over the network (localhost server running using httptest).

// Set up a mock server to give response
// This will give dummy response
httpTestServer := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(w, `{"status": "ok"}`)
defer httpTestServer.Close()

// Test goxHttpCtx as a resty client provider
onBeforeRequestCalled := false
ok := SetupOnBeforeRequestOverRestyClientFromGoxHttpCtx(
	func(client *resty.Client, request *resty.Request) error {
		onBeforeRequestCalled = true
		request.URL = httpTestServer.URL   // Here we hijacked the resty actual call, and will force it to call test http server
		return nil
assert.True(t, ok)

// Make a call to getPosts - this should trigger OnBeforeRequest
resp, err := s.goxHttpCtx.Execute(context.Background(), command.NewGoxRequestBuilder("getJsonPlaceholderPosts").WithPathParam("id", "1").Build())
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, resp)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode)
respMap := gox.StringObjectMapFromJsonOrEmpty(string(resp.Body))
assert.Equal(t, "ok", respMap.StringOrEmpty("status"))
assert.True(t, onBeforeRequestCalled)

One more way is to get access to the resty client to also hook other methods, e.g., restyClient.OnError(). It is the same; the only difference is here we get the restyClient, which is a Resty client. In the above example, we used a convenience method.

// Set up a mock server to give response
httpTestServer := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(w, `{"status": "ok"}`)
defer httpTestServer.Close()

// Test goxHttpCtx as a resty client provider
onBeforeRequestCalled := false
if rc, ok := GetRestyClientFromGoxHttpCtx(s.goxHttpCtx, "getJsonPlaceholderPosts"); ok {
	rc.OnBeforeRequest(func(client *resty.Client, request *resty.Request) error {
		onBeforeRequestCalled = true
		request.URL = httpTestServer.URL
		return nil

// Make a call to getPosts - this should trigger OnBeforeRequest
resp, err := s.goxHttpCtx.Execute(context.Background(), command.NewGoxRequestBuilder("getJsonPlaceholderPosts").WithPathParam("id", "1").Build())
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, resp)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode)
respMap := gox.StringObjectMapFromJsonOrEmpty(string(resp.Body))
assert.Equal(t, "ok", respMap.StringOrEmpty("status"))
assert.True(t, onBeforeRequestCalled)

Environment Specific Configs Support

You can setup all properties with env specific values

  1. env = name of the env (default=prod). This is used to find the values for all properties
  2. add "env: " in front of all values to make it configurable
  3. setup env specific configs
  4. Note - You must use serialization.ReadParameterizedYaml() method if you uses parameterized yaml
host: "env:string:;; stage=localhost.stage"

Here host value will be based on the "env" you have provided in a config. For example host will be "" if env=prod, or host="localhost.stage" if env=stage" 4. Default: You can sprcify "default" - if no value match this will be used
e.g. port: "env:int: prod=443; default=8080" dev/stage/any other will pick port=8080. Only prod will use 443

env: dev

    host: "env:string:; stage=localhost.stage;"
    port: "env:int: prod=443; default=8080"
    https: true
    connect_timeout: "env:int: prod=10; default=1000"
    connection_request_timeout: "env:int: prod=11; default=1001"
    host: "env:string:;; stage=localhost.stage"
    port: 9123
    https: "env:int: prod=true; dev=false; stage=false"

    path: /delay/delay_timeout_10
    server: testServer
    timeout: "env:int: prod=10; default=1000"
    concurrency: "env:int: prod=10; default=300"
    path: /delay/delay_timeout_10_POST
    method: POST
    server: testServer
    timeout: "env:int: prod=100; default=1001"
    concurrency: "env:int: prod=11; default=200"

How to add or update a new API dynamically

NOTE - we only support adding new API (new server has not be done manually)

// Load config from test_config_real_server.yaml example file
config := command.Config{}
err := serialization.ReadYamlFromString(testhelper.TestConfigWithRealServer, &config)
// Suppose a API "delay_timeout_10" was using a path "/delay", and you want to chnage it to point to "/delay_new"
// Update the config and reload API
config.Apis["delay_timeout_10"].Path = "/delay_new"
err = goxHttpCtx.ReloadApi("delay_timeout_10")

// Add a new API inimically
config.Apis["new_api"] = &command.Api{
    Name:        "new_api",
    Method:      "GET",
    Path:        "/bad_new",
    Server:      "testServer",
    Timeout:     100,
    Concurrency: 10,
    QueueSize:   10,
err = goxHttpCtx.ReloadApi("new_api")

request = command.NewGoxRequestBuilder("new_api").
               WithPathParam("id", 1).
response, err = goxHttpCtx.Execute(ctx, "new_api", request)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "ok", response.AsStringObjectMapOrEmpty().StringOrEmpty("status"))
assert.Equal(t, "/bad_new", response.AsStringObjectMapOrEmpty().StringOrEmpty("url"))

Enable HmacSha256 validation

  1. interceptor_config.hmac_config => set this up to use HMAC SHA256
  2. key => secret key to use for HMAC
  3. hash_header_key => Hash will be calculated and will be passed with this header key
  4. timestamp_header_key => timestamp will be passed with this header key
  5. headers_to_include_in_signature => list of headers which will be included in signature calculation
  6. convert_header_keys_to_lower_case => if true then all header keys will be converted to lower case before calculating signature
    port: 443
    https: true
          key: <some secret>
          hash_header_key: X-Hash-code-sha
          timestamp_header_key: X-Time
          headers_to_include_in_signature: [x-header-1, x-header-2]
          convert_header_keys_to_lower_case: true


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