chmod a+x AndroidTranslationHelper.jar
java -jar AndroidTranslationHelper.jar 2 sheet.csv styles.xml
Let's say you have a translation to do You open the Translation Editor you copy and paste that into a spreadsheet and the translation team give your that spreadsheet with like 200 new translations.
You are lazy to copy and paste all that line inside the Strings.xml you look on internet hoping somebody already got the same problem and solve it.
You just need to convert the Excel file to CSV and this script will update your strings.xml
I hope that little script is the answer to that.
Clone the repo open terminal and do that
java -jar AndroidTranslationHelper.jar 2 sample/sheet.csv sample/strings.xml
First argument is the column that will be used as a source Second argument is the source of the translation the csv file your translation team worked on Third argument is the strings.xml file that will be updated
If you open strings.xml you will see that the translation are not in French Now let's try
java -jar AndroidTranslationHelper.jar 3 sample/sheet.csv sample/strings.xml
Now the translation are in German