🔭 I’m currently working on using the knowledge of bioinformatics to understand and answer biological questions problem especially when it comes to genetic diseases, cancer specifically.
🌱 I’m learning how to use R, Python and Bash scripting. Also learning about nextflow, nf-core and docker with the aim of automating bioinformatic workflow and to achieve reproducibilty.
👯 I’m looking forward to collaborate in project relateds to mutational signature analysis, cancer gene identification, and every analysis that would help understand more about cancers. I am also interested in project related to Crispr and CAR-T technology and any biological data analysis and bioinformatics software development open source project.
📫 You can connect with me via https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-adediran/
Please find my curicullum vitae for perusal: https://github.com/Dexwel/Dexwel/blob/main/Daniel-Adediran-Curicullum-Vitae.pdf