a script for viewing sequence aligments and read-depth
- python3
python cgplot.py -c 3L:23000000-28000000 -q000050F_arrow_arrow,000057F_arrow_arrow,000021F_arrow_arrow tests/Anoph_coluzzii2chrom.paf tests/PB.cov.wig
This will generate a image showing how the query contigs 50F, 57F and 21F are mapped to 23M-28M region of chromsome 3L, and also read depth plot for the contigs are shown on the bottom.
usage: cgplot.py [options] paf_file wig_file
Genome Comparison plot
positional arguments:
paf_file a paf file
wig_file a wig file, set window size 1024
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c chromsome region in chr:start-end or chr format
-q query name(s) mapped into the chromsome region,add comma to join multiple query names, support a maximum of 5 contigs
-l minimum mapped length
-o output file
-t figure title
--version show program's version number and exit