Qbit Corner is a discord server where we are reading and discussing Quantum Computing topics. We started with the textbooks:
- Quantum Computation & Quantum Information (Nielsen&Chuang). Introduction and details, with exercises
- Quantum Information (Stephen M.Barnett). Very dense. More of a reference than an introduction
Both of these are available from Amazon, and have downloadable pdfs.
References I have found helpful:
- https://quantum.country/ Great introduction by Andy Matuschak and Michael Nielsen
This repo includes jupyter notebooks I built to help me understand the concepts. If you are familiar with jupyter notebooks, you can use your favorite way to set up a notebook environment. If not, this is the way I set up my environment.
- clone this repo, and cd to the repo
- install or activate python 3.7 or later
- python -m venv env
- env\scripts\activate.bat (windows) or env/scripts/activate.sh (linux)
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- python -m pip install jupyterlab
- python -m pip install numpy
- python -m pip install qiskit[visualization] (if using zsh on linux: python -m pip install 'qiskit[visualization]')
- jupyter-lab (starts the server and launchers a browser tab)
- open a notebook
This notebook collects the definitions and formulas I found in the reference books, to help me study.
This notebook has code and diagrams, using Qiskit, to help me understand Deutsch's algorithm