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Exotic data structures in Java!


The project is collection of less known data structures. The focus has been made on balancing performance with simplicity and ease of understanding. I tried to document all major parts in implementation.

Currently there are:

  • Skip list
  • Mutable BTree
  • Immutable Persistent Vector

Skip List

Skip lists in performance are much like binary trees, but they offer better locality of data. They are frequently used as substitute for binary trees when it comes to concurrency. They are randomized datastructures.

Implementation is different from typical skip list as each node has some number of level nodes and they point to nodes some hops ahead. This way some space requirements has been reduced. It is a multiset holding sorted values, implementing java Collection interface and resembling closely interface of TreeSet.

Operation Performance
Insert O(logN)
Delete O(logN)
Search O(logN)


BTrees are frequently used to implement functional data structures because they strike good balance between tree (which is immutable) and array (which is mutable).

They are also a good way to sort large arrays. You can find benchmarks here. What is really interesting that similar to TimSort they are adaptive (make use of natural order in data) so inserting ordered values is much faster than average.

Implementation is multiset implementing Collection java interface, and resembling SortedSet interface. The branching factor is configurable. I found that branches=64 is optimal for ~4 000 000 elements.

Further optimization is exponential search rather than plain binary search for intra-node searches, which makes it more robust for partially sorted data (for which leaves are hot on borders)

Operation Performance
Insert O(logN)
Delete O(logN)
Search O(logN)

Persistent Vector

Immutable data structure that is more performant than CopyOnWriteArray. It's very similar to BTree except that data is not sorted. Constant operations in table are in fact always limited by O(depth*branching factor).

Performance is depending on branching factor. For small branching modifications are fast at expense of reads. For big branching factors modifications are slow.

Operation Performance
Insert ~O(1)
Delete ~O(1)
Search O(N)
Index ~O(1)