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Relative abundance plots

Daniel Giguere edited this page Nov 28, 2017 · 1 revision

Relative Abundance Plots

A dendrogram and stacked barplot calculates the sum of counts based on genera, showing the relative abundance of each genera for each sample, colour coded by taxonomy. For this to work, you must have a taxonomy column that has at least 6 taxonomic levels. The abundance method calculates the frequency per samples, then removes any OTUs that don't have at least one sample above the threshold. The dropdown menus allow you to choose different method of calculating the distance matrix and hierarchical clustering method being used to produce the dendrogram. Information about the different clustering methods are available under the details section of this article.

Zoom in on dendrogram

If you have many samples, it may not be possible to distinguish the sample names. Click and drag an area on the dendrogram, then double click this area to zoom in. Double click again to zoom out.