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Importing GlobCover files

Joel Pitt edited this page Feb 6, 2014 · 1 revision
  1. Register and download version V2.2 from here.
  2. Create a latlong location.
  3. Use to load the tif files.
If you are using the global land cover classes, you can use the following category definitions with r.category.
 r.category map=NAME rules=-
 11:Irrigated croplands
 14:Rainfed croplands
 20:Mosaic Croplands/Vegetation
 30:Mosaic Vegetation/Croplands
 40:Closed to open broadleaved evergreen or semi-deciduous forest
 50:Closed broadleaved deciduous forest
 60:Open broadleaved deciduous forest
 70:Closed needleleaved evergreen forest
 90:Open needleleaved deciduous or evergreen forest
 100:Closed to open mixed broadleaved and needleleaved forest
 110:mosaic Forest - Shrubland/Grassland
 120:Mosaic Grassland/Forest - Shrubland
 130:Closed to open shrubland
 140:Closed to open grassland
 150:Sparse vegetation
 160:Closed to open broadleaved forest regularly flooded ( fresh-brackish water)
 170:Close broadleaved forest permanently flooded (saline-brackish water)
 180:Closed to open vegetation regularly flooded
 190:Artificial area
 200:Bare areas
 210:Water Bodies
 220:Permanent Snow and Ice
 230:No data

r.colors map=NAME rules=-

11 170:240:240
14 255:255:100
20 220:240:100
30 205:205:102
40 0:100:0
50 0:160:0
60 170:200:0
70 0:60:0
90 40:100:0
100 120:130:0
110 140:160:0
120 190:150:0
130 150:100:0
140 255:180:50
150 255:235:175
170 0:150:120
180 0:220:130
190 195:20:0
200 255:245:215
210 0:70:200
220 255:255:255
230 0:0:0
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