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Joel Pitt edited this page Feb 6, 2014 · 1 revision


Pitt JPW, Kriticos DJ and Dodd MB (2011) Limits to simulating the future spread of invasive species: Buddleja davidii in New Zealand. Ecological Modelling 222:1880-1887.


Kriticos DJ, Leriche A, Bulman LS, Kimberley MO, Alcaraz S and Richardson B (2008) Modelling the efficacy of different sampling strategies for estimating disease levels and detecting the spread of new pests. Unpublished report, Scion, Rotorua, New Zealand. 37 pp.

Pitt JPW, Worner SP and Suarez A (2009) Predicting Argentine ant spread over the heterogeneous landscape using a spatially-explicit stochastic model. Ecological Applications 19: 1176-1186

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