Oh My Fish plugin to automatically activate/deactivate Python virtual enviroments upon entering/leaving a directory.
Installation with Oh My Fish:
omf install autovenv
Do you like the way Pyenv automatically switches between enviroments when you change directories and wish
you could do the same thing with standard Python 3 venvs? Well, now you can! No complicated scripts,
binaries or overhead needed; AutoVenv is a single file, pure fish
Upon entering a directory that contains a Python venv (or any directory above it) AutoVenv will automatically activate it for you. Likewise, when moving below the venv's parent directory AutoVenv will deactivate it! AutoVenv can also handle cases where you move directly from one venv directory to another.
set -U autovenv_enable yes|no
Enables/disables autovenv functionality.
set -U autovenv_announce yes|no
Controls whether or not a message is printed when entering/leaving/changing venvs.