This project is a replacement for the stock gateware on a 5A-75B card. Its purpose is the same - to receive frames over ethernet and drive LED matricies.
The stock gateware uses the same MAC address on every card, so only 1 receiver card can be present on a physical network. This gateware uses a configurable MAC address.
The stock gateware receives the framebuffer in raw ethernet frames. This gateware uses UDP packets. The IP address is confgurable.
This gateware is currently hardcoded for panels with 64x64 LEDs. Patches to improve this would be welcome.
This gateware is currently hardcoded to drive only two panels per connector. This is to enable a refresh rate of 500Hz. Again, making this configurable would be nice.
This gateware exposes some configuration registers. These can be set by sending UDP packets.
One of these configuration registers is for the base address of the framebuffer. This makes it possible to double buffer the display data and have tighter synchronization when using multiple receiver cards.
Once the gateware and the MAC+IP addresses have been flashed, the sender sends the first frame to the card, then sends the enable command. For single buffering the sender sends the next frame to the same area of memory. For double buffering the sender sends the next frame to a different area of memory, then sends a command to update which area of memory to display.
The UdpDramWriter module receives UDP packets and writes their content to DRAM.
Configuration and status registers can be set using UDP packets.
The Hub75Controller reads frames from DRAM into row buffers. Hub75Drivers send the row buffers to the panels. Then the Hub75Controller drives the latch, row address, and output enable signals.
To flash the prebuilt bit file to the board use a JTAG programmer and compatible software.
For example, it is possible to use an FTDI 232 breakout board and
openFPGALoader: openFPGALoader -cft232 --freq 10M --write-flash prebuilt/colorlight_5a_75b.bit
Then generate a config file to specify the IP Address: python3 tools/ --eth-ip --format bin
And finally flash the config to the board at address 4000000: openFPGALoader -cft232 --freq 10M --write-flash --offset 4000000 config.bin
Once the gateware and config have been flashed, the board should be on
available on the network. This can be tested with ping e.g. ping
The display can be enabled with the tool: ./tools/ --eth-ip --enable
The tool can also send some test patterns: ./tools/ --eth-ip --solid 0xffffff