This is the source code for TRFV, an interactive fiction game written by Ben Collins-Sussman and Jack Welch.
The code is released under the MIT license, which you can find in the LICENSE file.
The game is written in the Inform 7 programming language, using version 6M62, the most recent version available at the time of writing.
You can download the compiler and IDE as a single package from
When compiled, the source code produces glulxe bytecode:
The game's source code lives in a single file called '' -- this file, some .i7x extensions, along with the 'uuid.txt', are the primary things kept under version control.
1. Create a working Inform project from your source tree:
$ git clone URL trfv
$ cd trfv
$ mv trfv.inform/ temp.inform/
[...launch Inform, create new project in this dir called 'trfv'…]
$ cp temp.inform/Source/ trfv.inform/Source/
$ cp temp.inform/uuid.txt trfv.inform/
$ rm -rf temp.inform/
2. Install extensions. The extensions used in this project are all "stock" --
none have been modified, but there's always the concern about versions and
compatability. For that reason, I've put copies of all used extensions in the
trfv/extensions directory. If the whole project is cloned, these files will
come along for the ride. Be sure to install them into your local copy of inform
when you compile.
3. Launch the Inform IDE and load the trfv.inform project. The source code
should be visible, and it should compile fine. Make sure that Inform's
settings are are set to "Glulx" as the target VM.
DO NOT do any version control operations (commit, push, and particularly,
pull, update, and merge) while the Inform IDE is still open. When the IDE
'saves', it destroys and recreates the whole trfv.inform/ directory, thus
possibly eradicating and changes you may have downloaded.