Helm chart providing cert issuer resources
DHIS2 core helm chart is published to https://dhis2-sre.github.io/cert-issuer-helm
To install the chart you first need to add this chart repository
helm repo add dhis2 https://dhis2-sre.github.io/cert-issuer-helm
helm repo update
helm search repo dhis2/cert-issuer --versions
The versions returned are gathered from index.yaml which is published to this GitHub page.
Bump the version in Chart.yaml, commit and push. NOTE: do not create a tag yourself!
Our release workflow will then using Helm chart releaser action
- create a tag
- create a release associated with the new tag
- commit an updated index.yaml with the new release
- redeploy the GitHub pages to serve the new index.yaml
Note: there might be a slight delay between the release and the index.yaml
file being updated as GitHub pages have to be re-deployed.