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React from the Scratch

  • I have started learning React from the scratch from Youtube channel.
  • React Course - Beginner's Tutorial for React JavaScript Library [2022] |
  • I also prefer this channel as well Codevolution

What is ReactJs?

Watch the ReactJS - Documentary

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ReactJs is a Javascript library and it is maintained by Facebook in 2011. It was released by May, 2013. According to Jordan Walke, React is an efficient, declarative, and flexible open-source JavaScript library for building simple, fast, and scalable frontends of web applications.

It is used for developing complex and interactive web and mobile UI. It follows the component based approach which helps in building reusable UI components.


  • It uses the virtual DOM instead of the real DOM.
  • It uses Server Side Rendering.
  • It follows uni-directional data flow or data binding.
  • Because of JSX, code’s readability increases.

What is Real Dom and Virtual Dom?

Real DOM:

  • It updates slow.
  • Can directly update HTML.
  • Creates a new DOM if element updates.
  • DOM manipulation is very expensive.
  • Too much of memory wastage.

Virtual DOM:

  • It updates faster.
  • Can’t directly update HTML.
  • Updates the JSX if element updates.
  • DOM manipulation is very easy.
  • No memory wastage.

Why to learn React?

  • It was created and maintained by Facebook.
  • Easy to reuse the code.
  • React is declarative (it tells you what you want and build the actual UI).

How to create react app?

  • There are two methods to create react app :

1. npx method :

  • Open the terminal after installing node
  • Type the below syntax:
npx create-react-app <your-project-name>
  • after creating react app folder, run the below syntax to start the server
npm start
  • Now try to change the content in src/App.js

2. npm method :

npm install create-react-app -g
create-react-app <project-name>

Folder Structuring :

  • "node_modules" : it contains all the dependency installed.
  • "public" : it contains three files
    • favicon.ico
    • index.html (contains div with id="root")
    • manifest.json
  • "src" : index.js (we speacify the root components which is named as component and DOM element contain 'root' id which will be controlled by React.)


It is an config file of React. It contains keywords, license, author, version, name, dependencies and many more. Also refer the official documentation of Package.json

To create package.json file run the below command.

npm init

to modify the version, name or author anything. run the below command as shown in example.

npm config set Dhruv Parmar
npm config set init.license MIT
rm package.json
npm init --y

Here rm package.json is used to remove old file.

How to start the server:

  • When we run npm start command in terminal, the browser will serve index.html present in "public" folder.
npm start

Types of Component:

  • Stateless function
  • Stateful class (it contains render method which returns HTML.)

Difference of Functional and Class Component :

  1. Functional Component :

    • It is simple function.
    • use functional component as much as possible.
    • the main advantage to use functional component is "Absence of 'this' keyword".
    • It is mainly responsible for UI.
    • It is Stateless Component.
  2. Class Component :

    • More feature rich.
    • It maintain their own private data.
    • It has complex UI logics
    • It provides lifecycle hooks.
    • It is Stateful Class.

What is Hooks?

Hooks are the new feature proposal which lets you use states and other react features without writing a class. React Hooks are a function type that allows you to hook into React state and lifecycle features. Previously, If you write a function component and notice that you need to apply some state to it all you have to do is, change that functional component into a class. But with the new update, you can just use a Hook inside the function component, making the refactoring procedure easy.

Also Refer :

What is JSX?

JavaScript XML (JSX) - it is the extension to Javascript language syntax. JSX tags as a tag name, attributes and children. It is not necessary to write React Application but JSX makes your code simpler and elegant. Where XML is Extensible Markup Language.

There are some rules about JSX :

  • class -> className
  • for -> htmlFor
  • camelCase property naming convension :
    • onclick -> onClick
    • tabindex -> tabIndex

What is Props?

props stands for properties. props are the arguments passed into React components.

eg: if I wanna print list of Employee

  • Dhruv
  • Sina
  • Clark

Here props plays an important role. Make a component in src folder and create one .js file and write the below code.

import React from 'react'

const Employee = props => {
    //return <h1>Hello, Dhruv</h1>
    return <h1>Hello, {}, and your age is {props.age}</h1>

export default Employee

Now write the below code in "App.js" after importing "Employee.js" file in "App.js"

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      {/* Demo of props */}
      {/*<Employee />
      <Employee />
      <Employee /> */}
      <Employee name="Dhruv" age='21' />
      <Employee name="Sina" age='34' />
      <Employee name="Clark" age='15' />

It will return only one element. If I wanna print the child element of first Employee then add this content in .js file which you have created...

const Employee = props => {
    return (
            <h1>Hello, {}, and your age is {props.age}</h1>

also add this content in App.js file

<Employee name="Dhruv" age='21'>
    <p> You are from India.</p>

What is State?

React component as a built-in state object. The state object is where you store property values that belongs to the component. When the state object changes, the component re-renders. state is managed within the components. state can be changed but props cannot be changed because props is immutable.

Rules for setState() method:

  • Always use the setState() method, never try to modify the state directly.
  • Sometimes code has to be updated after the state has been updated? So place that code in the callback function which is nothing but the second parameter of setState() method.

Create one class constructor, add the below code in class component.

    //create a state empty object
    this.state = {

How to call setState() method

class Subscribe extends Component{

        this.state = {
            message: 'Welcome to my Youtube Channel'

        //calling setState() method, which accepts an object, which is nothing but new state of the component. It can have two parameters, first will accept the object and another will be `callback` function.
            message: 'Thank you for Subscibing...'
        //demo of state
                <span>Dhruv Parmar</span>
                <button onClick={ () => this.changeMessage() }>Subscribe</button>

What is Destructuring of props and state ?

It is one of the feature of ES6, which unpacks the values from array or properties from an object into distinct variables. In react, destructuring of props and state improves code readablity.

There are two ways of destructuring:

  • in parameter
  • in the function body

1. In Paramter

  • There is no need of writing while destructuring.
  • Here, basically we are abstracting the name and occupation from the props object.
  • In JSX, we can use {name} and {occupation} instead of {} and {props.occupation} directly respectively.

Create one functional component and write the below code:

const Greet = ({name,occupation}) => {
  return (
    <div className='container'>
      <p>Hello, I am <span className='heading'>{name}</span> and I'm a <span className='heading'>{occupation}</span> </p>

and add the element in App.js, as given below

<Greet name='Dhruv Parmar' occupation='Jr.Web Developer' />
<Greet name='Sina' occupation='Youtuber of Advance Javascript' />

2. In the function body

It is quite similar to first method, after watching the demo you will come to know the difference.

const Greet = props => {
    const {name, occupation} = props
        <div className='container'>
            <p>Hello, I am <span className='heading'>{name}</span> and I'm a <span className='heading'>{occupation}</span> </p>


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