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⚡ Fun fact Global Warming is Real
LectureTheatre-Booking-Portal: Portal created to Digitally and Securely Reserve Lecture Halls for Various Cultural and Technical Societies during off-hours.
Hand-Gesture-Recognition: "Hand Gesture Recognition" model based on Convolution Neural Network that can with very high accuracy predict which Number is constructed using Hand-Gesture by the user, Real-Time using Keras & OpenCV
SmartPass: Rasberry-Pi powered RFID-based access control system. The main aim of this project was to make the bus pass system at LNMIIT paperless by using the University ID which is already RFID based. This project was part of my IoT capstone project
Solar-Electricity-Generation-Prediction: Electricity production through PV stations is highly variable and depends highly upon the solar irradiance at a location and environmental factors. In this work using meteorological data, we build a predictive model to forecast PV energy generation. Real data from PV Installation at the LNMIIT campus was used for this.
power-consumption-prediction: Using the power consumption of Tetouan city; feature creation, feature selection and a comparative analysis are made to find the performance difference between different ensemble tree-based algorithms.
Duplito: The main aim was to create a robust model which can Identify variations in names and identify a unique person and hence solve the problem of deduplication of records coming from multiple sources.
NotSafe: Using Deep Learning intellectual unique passwords were generated using the corpus of hacked passwords readily available over the internet. Using the list of newly generated passwords, the idea was to help users make stronger passwords at the time of signup. This list would be more beneficial than the Bruteforce word list that is widely used in the industry.
ASME-Efest-WebDevelopment-Competition: This Repository is for the competition held in LNMIIT by CSI for the recruitment in web development in E-Fest (Asia Pacific Conference), to be organized by the ASME Chapter, LNMIIT and CSI Chapter, LNMIIT