ProFiller is used to autocomplete a form using a JSON obect. It requires the Prototype Javascript Framework version 1.6.1 which can be obtained at
ProFiller is added to Prototypes Form methods:
$(‘myFom’).fill(data) – fills the form with the supplied JSON data. Also sets up watch so you can easily ask if the form has been changed. Returns the form.
$('myFormId').fill(json); // form is now being watched
var confirmed = confirm('You have unsaved changes');
$(‘myForm’).watch() – Sets up the form to be watched for changes. Basically fills Element#store with a profiller key filled with the serialized form data. Calling watch() will run through the form and replace the current store or create it if necessary. You are not required to call fill(). You can use this method anytime to start watching for changes Returns the form.
$(‘myForm’).changed() – Tests to see if the form has changed (user added to or removed info form the form). You must call either fill() or watch() for changes to be shown. If niether has been called on the form the current form data is stored as the default data to test. Returns boolean.
ProFiller will reset the form before filling by default. To override set resetBeforeFill to false:
$('myFormId').fill(json, false);
ProFiller can also be instantiated and the fill method can be used at will:
var profiller = new ProFiller('myFormId');
var confirmed = confirm('You have unsaved changes');