ccql is a Hyrax-based Ruby on Rails application for cataloging, committing, querying, and linking data related to the DIBBS Virtual Data Collaboratory (VDC) project.
The application is being built as part of the Dibbs Project. More information about the project can be found here:
More information about Hyrax can be found here:
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. Until this document is fleshed out better, please see the Samvera Hyrax project documentation to get the prerequisites for a Hyrax-based application set up first.
To clarify a little more, new users attempting to try out this code base are advised to use the Hyrax readme documentation ( to install all of the prerequisites for running a Hyrax-based application. Once all of these have been installed, use this code base instead of using Rails to generate a new app with the template provided by the Hyrax project.
Development of this application is currently on CentOS 7. We are using Hyrax Gem 2.0.0.
- Solr (development with 7.1.0)
- Fedora (development with 4.7.1)
- Apache (for Shibboleth)
- Redis
- Fits
- Shibboleth requires registration of application
- sqlite3
Eventually, we'll have a step by step series of examples that describe how to get a development env running. For now, here are some useful steps.
If working in Docker, follow the steps in Otherwise, continue below.
$ solr_wrapper -p 8983 -i tmp/solr-development -d solr/config -n hydra-development --version=7.1.0
Note: I don't understand Solr that well yet. With this wrapper, I sometimes need to stop Solr prior to running. Until I understand things better, here's what I usually do for that:
$ sudo service solr status
$ sudo service solr stop
$ solr_wrapper -p 8983 -i tmp/solr-development -d solr/config -n hydra-development --version=7.1.0
Also, weird things happen when I attempt to try 7.2.0.
$ sudo systemctl start redis.service
$ fcrepo_wrapper -p 8984 --no-jms -d tmp/fcrepo4-development-data
Run the following commands to get the Rails application running on localhost:3000. Before running it for the first time, look up the setup notes:
$ bundle install
$ bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
$ RAILS_ENV=development rake hyrax:default_admin_set:create
$ RAILS_ENV=development rake hyrax:workflow:load
# Make sure your environment variables are set up according to the set up notes
$ RAILS_ENV=development rails server
Setting Up Your First Admin User
- SSH in to server
- In /home/vdc/ccql pull the correct code
- touch /home/vdc/restart.cmd
For delivery to Rutgers, we create a new release. Create a new release by navigating to Project Overview -> Releases -> New Release.
Tag name : vX.Y.Z Start with v
Increment X by one when there are breaking changes that are not backwards compatible or on first formal release of the software to the public.
Increment Y for new features.
Increment Z for any bug fixes, edits, patches, etc.
After releasing a new version inform Rutgers IT contact - currently JJ - with the new release number so he can pull it down and deploy.
Integration with Globus file transfer is documented in
We'd love contributors! Please contact us for more information. At this time, we don't have a formal process to contribute, but we're working towards that.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.
In building this application, we received a LOT of help from Rutgers, PSU, Temple University, and the whole Samvera community. Thanks!