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didier edited this page Jan 27, 2021 · 4 revisions

❖ Front-end Applications

This wiki documents my process and decision making during the @cmda-tt subject of Front-end Applications as part of semester Information Design.



In collaboration with the Volkskrant, a Dutch news outlet focused on objective and neutral-standpoint news, I will be creating a fully interactive data visualisation regarding parking in the city. I want to measure and define parking convenience — amongst a few other things — to see if a parking spot's cost positively or negatively influences this convenience.


In partnership with the Volkskrant and @cmda-tt's Information Design Course, I will research parking in The Netherlands to gather information and valuable data of which to create a fully interactive data visualisation which readers, journalists and researchers can play around with to more easily come to conclusions on the matter.

Datasets and sources

I will be using the Open Parking Datasets from RDW throughout this project, as they're highly accessible and very thorough.